Today, while surfing the Internet the following sentence came across: "Most young people today consider Schlagermusik to be camp". Well...maybe this is true, maybe it isn't. However, it is a fact that even on stages of renowned theatres audiences are confronted with this interesting Central European traditional music style. Watch for example the nice but 'corny' video clip of the Dick Assley Quartet as they perform the unrivalled hit 'Wenn das Wasser im Rhein goldner Wein wär'.
For those who want to sing along, here are the lyrics (refrain):
Wenn das Wasser im Rhein goldner Wein wär,
Ja, dann möcht ich so gern ein Fischlein sein.
Ei, wie könnte ich dann saufen,
Brauchte keinen Wein zu kaufen,
Denn das Faß vom Vater Rhein wird niemals leer